9 Wearable Devices For Patients Health – #8 Fitbit Ultra

By on August 7, 2012

Fitbit Ultra

Fitbit Ultra Medical Wearable Device

Fitbit Ultra Medical Wearable Device

The tiny Fitbit Ultra tracks a user’s steps, distance, and sleep, as well as counting calories burned. Wireless uploads are automatically sent to user’s personal dashboard on Fitbit’s site, where free online tools show how the user’s physical activities add up. An iPhone app also lets users log workouts, diet, and food goals.

Fitbit Ultra not only holds an accelerometer but an altimeter that tracks the number of stairs or hills climbed each day. To keep you going, the tracker also displays motivational messages when you start moving.


9 Wearable Devices For Patients Health

  1. IntelliVue MX40
  2. BlueLibris
  3. BioHarness BT
  4. Body Motion Patch
  5. Zoll LifeVest
  6. Basis B1
  7. Nike FuelBank
  8. FitBit Ultra
  9. BodyMedia Link Armband


Originally Posted in Information Week

About dkorolyk

I've been involved in Healthcare IT and PACS since Y2k. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to be involved in a lot of interesting an diverse projects. My experience also includes numerous HL7/EMR integration projects as well as many hardware and software platforms. My three main areas of expertise include technical integration aspects of radiology, oncology and laboratory diagnostics.

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