mHealth Program Using QR Codes To Improve Patient Care

By on August 31, 2012
QR Code For Healthcare and Medical Use

QR codes for healthcare link to patient records

The Immune Project is using a mHealth mobile strategy to increase the number of vaccinations. Peter Beegle created a mHealth application to help lower the number of unvaccinated children.

The project and the mHealth application were created to address the issue of tracking what types of vaccinations a patient had received and ensuring they were done. Every year children die from preventable diseases because they did not receive a vaccination.  The goal of the project is to reduce that number significantly.

The mHealth application uses QR codes to give providers access to patient records. One of the challenges of some regions is geography and distance.  Patients are often in remote villages making it difficult to validate and check whether a patient had a particular vaccination or not.

The patients have a card or a pendant they can wear around their next that has a QR code linked to their electronic health record.  In real time the physicians can use the mHealth application on a smart phone and scan the patients QR code to get specific information regarding that patient’s vaccination history.

This application will save the doctors from having to make return trips to villages and also to ensure that vaccinations have been done.


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About dkorolyk

I've been involved in Healthcare IT and PACS since Y2k. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to be involved in a lot of interesting an diverse projects. My experience also includes numerous HL7/EMR integration projects as well as many hardware and software platforms. My three main areas of expertise include technical integration aspects of radiology, oncology and laboratory diagnostics.

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