HL7 ADT – Cancel Admission (A11) Sample Message

By on April 2, 2013

ADT^A11 – Cancel Admission

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For inpatients, the “cancel admission” message ADT (A11 event) is sent when an earlier “admission” message (A01 Sample HL7 Message ADT A11event) is canceled, either because of an erroneous entry or because of a revised decision to not admit the patient.

For outpatients/ER patients, the message is sent when an earlier “register outpatient” message (A04 event) is canceled for similar reasons. If the patient has orders on file, the patient will be discharged by the application. If no orders are on file, the patient’s record will be deleted.

This message uses the same segments as the “discharge patient” (A03) message.

Segment Description
MSH Message Header
EVN Event Type
PID Patient Identification
PV1 Patient Visit


HL7 ADT^A11 Sample Message Sent From Hospital Information System:

MSH|^~\&|AccMgr|1|||20050112154645||ADT^A11|59912415|P|2.3||| EVN|A03|20050112154642||||| PID|1||10006579^^^1^MRN^1||DUCK^DONALD^D||19241010|M||1|111^DUCK ST^^FOWL^CA^999990000^^M|1|8885551212|8885551212|1|2||40007716^^^AccMgr^VN^1|123121234|||||||||||NO PV1|1|I|IN1^214^1^1^^^S|3||IN1^214^1|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^CI|||01||||1|||37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^CI|2|40007716^^^AccMgr^VN|4||||||||||||||||1|||1||P|||20050110045253|20050112152000|3115.89|3115.89|||


Examples of ADT messages are:



About dkorolyk

I've been involved in Healthcare IT and PACS since Y2k. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to be involved in a lot of interesting an diverse projects. My experience also includes numerous HL7/EMR integration projects as well as many hardware and software platforms. My three main areas of expertise include technical integration aspects of radiology, oncology and laboratory diagnostics.

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