Free DICOM Viewer From Osirix – Review

By on April 6, 2014

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Free DICOM Viewer From Osirix

OsiriX is an image processing software dedicated to DICOM images (“.dcm” / “.DCM” extension) produced by imaging equipment (MRI, CT, PET, PET-CT, SPECT-CT, Ultrasounds, …).

It is fully compliant with the DICOM standard for image communication and image file formats. OsiriX is able to receive images transferred by DICOM communication protocol from any PACS or imaging modality (C-STORE SCP/SCU, andQuery/Retrieve : C-MOVE SCU/SCP, C-FIND SCU/SCP, C-GET SCU/SCP, WADO) .

Here’s a couple of great DICOM and PACS resources from Amazon…great books.

The Free DICOM Viewer is located >>> HERE <<<.  Please note that is does not have FDA clearance and is used for research purposes only.  Osirix does have FDA approved DICOM viewers, but there is a licensing fee.

The viewers also only run on the Mac.  The system requirements are:

  • MacOS X 10.8 or higher
  • Intel processor
  • 6 GB of RAM if you plan to open more than 800 images (CT & MRI, PET-CT).
  • 8 GB of RAM for more than 1500 images (multi-slice CT & PET-CT) with OsiriX-64 bit.
  • 12 GB of RAM for more than 3000 images (cardiac or functional imaging) with OsiriX-64 bit.


OsiriX has been specifically designed for navigation and visualization of multimodality and multidimensional images: 2D Viewer, 3D Viewer, 4D Viewer (3D series with temporal dimension, for example: Cardiac-CT) and5D Viewer (3D series with temporal and functional dimensions, for example: Cardiac-PET-CT). The 3D Viewer offers all modern rendering modes: Multiplanar reconstruction (MPR), Surface Rendering, Volume Rendering and Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP). All these modes support 4D data and are able to produce image fusion between two different series (PET-CT and SPECT-CT display support).

OsiriX is at the same time a DICOM PACS workstation for imaging and an image processing softwarefor medical research (radiology and nuclear imaging), functional imaging3D imagingconfocal microscopy and molecular imaging.

OsiriX has been specifically designed for navigation and visualization of multimodality and multidimensional images: 2D Viewer, 3D Viewer, 4D Viewer (3D series with temporal dimension, for example: Cardiac-CT) and5D Viewer (3D series with temporal and functional dimensions, for example: Cardiac-PET-CT). The 3D Viewer offers all modern rendering modes: Multiplanar reconstruction (MPR), Surface Rendering, Volume Rendering and Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP). All these modes support 4D data and are able to produce image fusion between two different series (PET-CT and SPECT-CT display support).

OsiriX is at the same time a DICOM PACS workstation for imaging and an image processing softwarefor medical research (radiology and nuclear imaging), functional imaging3D imagingconfocal microscopy and molecular imaging.

Osirix Free DICOM Viewer Pros:
+ Open source
+ Will open just about anything
+ Incredible 2D and 3D viewing options
+ Tight OS X integration
+ Excellent developer support
+ Universal binary
+ Heavily multithreaded (use those CPUs!)
+ International support
+ Impress your friends

Osirix Free DICOM Viewer Cons:
– 2.0+ versions only available for Tiger
– Some releases can be buggy
– No utility for ROI hand drawing (personal gripe)

About dkorolyk

I've been involved in Healthcare IT and PACS since Y2k. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to be involved in a lot of interesting an diverse projects. My experience also includes numerous HL7/EMR integration projects as well as many hardware and software platforms. My three main areas of expertise include technical integration aspects of radiology, oncology and laboratory diagnostics.

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