3M Software for ICD-10 Catches Errors Before They Happen

By on April 13, 2015

3M™ 360 Encompass™ MD System for ICD-10 helps physicians catch mistakes and errors before they happen.

3M 360 Encompass MD provides automatic feedback and guidance to help physicians improve the accuracy, completeness and compliance of the data in a patient’s medical record.

Using 3M’s NLP and CAPD technology, it identifies missing ICD-10 diagnosis details, automates the query process, and prompts providers to quickly address documentation issues within their workflow. Upcoming functionality will analyze documents and alert providers about high-risk copied content in clinical notes.


3M-ICD-10-360 Encompass-MD System-Costs

3M-ICD-10-360 Encompass-MD System-Costs

Features and Benefits:

Connected and clear

Our technology automatically analyzes all patient data in structured and unstructured text from clinical documentation – including EHR templates and dictated documents. The system follows coding rules and guidelines to automatically identify unclear, unspecified or missing diagnoses and gaps in documentation. Physicians can document by whatever means they prefer.

If physicians need to provide missing information, 3M 360 Encompass MD generates automated CAPD queries and flags other documentation gaps and missing information as auto-suggested queries to CDI reviewers.

Helps avoid electronic documentation errors

Copying documentation forward into a medical record is an increasing activity in the EHR and is prone to high-risk errors for patient care and coding. To minimize compliance risks, upcoming functionality in 3M 360 Encompass MD will analyze documents and alert providers if a document contains hazardous “copied-forward past data/info” from old documents.

A single system

3M 360 Encompass MD offers a single integrated platform with an ICD-10-ready natural language processing (NLP) engine for all of your coding and documentation improvement workflows. The physician-centric design delivers queries to physicians within their current EHR workflow, saving time and stress.

3M 360 Encompass MD can be added to the award-winning 3M™ 360 Encompass™ System platform, so organizations can leverage their existing investment with an integrated, intuitive physician communication and documentation improvement tool. The system also integrates with the 3M™ Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) System, which means CDI specialists using either of these other 3M solutions can coordinate their workflows with 3M 360 Encompass MD and view real-time queries generated for each patient.

CDI specialists and coders each work from the same rule sets and NLP – allowing for seamless integration, increased productivity and improved patient care processes. Implementation costs can be lower, because the system shares the same interfaces and implementation process with 3M 360 Encompass.


About dkorolyk

I've been involved in Healthcare IT and PACS since Y2k. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to be involved in a lot of interesting an diverse projects. My experience also includes numerous HL7/EMR integration projects as well as many hardware and software platforms. My three main areas of expertise include technical integration aspects of radiology, oncology and laboratory diagnostics.

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