Review: ComTIA Healthcare IT Technician

By on April 13, 2015

Review for the Healthcare Information Technology Exam Guide for CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician and HIT Pro Certifications.

The CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician certification covers the knowledge and skills required to implement, deploy, and support healthcare IT systems in U.S. clinical settings.

The CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician certification exam covers:

  • U.S. regulatory requirements
  • Organizational behavior
  • IT operations
  • Medical business operations
  • Security

Potential candidates should possess a basic understanding of practice workflow while adhering to code of conduct policies and security best practices.

Review of CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician

Review of CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician

The exam is intended for IT professionals who are CompTIA A+ certified or have 500 hours of hands-on IT technical experience in the lab or field, plus the knowledge/skills necessary to deploy and support healthcare IT systems in clinical settings.

From the training materials that I reviewed there were may suggestions that the training material was inadequate in some areas.  Although good reviews were presented for overall content and hospital workflow, the books were lacking in more details in areas such as Project Management, Security and Networking.

I typically used more than one resource for all of my certification exams, so I imagine this is no different.  The content does seem more broad in scope than others.

If Healthcare IT is a career aspiration, then it only makes sense to dig deeper in to the technical aspects.  The CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician is great for an overview, but the sum of all of the pieces would be too much for a single book.

I’d recommend using the following study guides for supplement reading. In doing so you would also be in a great position to challenge the other four exams Network+, Security+, Project+ and A+.  These guides will help provide more detail to topics mentioned and covered in CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician study books…




About dkorolyk

I've been involved in Healthcare IT and PACS since Y2k. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to be involved in a lot of interesting an diverse projects. My experience also includes numerous HL7/EMR integration projects as well as many hardware and software platforms. My three main areas of expertise include technical integration aspects of radiology, oncology and laboratory diagnostics.

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